ABINGTON, Pa. – There have been at least five fights that school officials are aware of so far this week, which students have dubbed #AbingtonFightWeek on social media.

Videos of several of the fights at Abington Senior High School were posted online, and the situation snowballed from there, students told ABC 6.

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“It’s all over social media. That’s where I’ve seen most of it,” junior Matt Spross said. “I think it’s just ridiculous, everyone is fighting for no reason.”

Freshman Carter Myers said “there was a bunch of fights happening early in the week and it just caught on.”

One of the fights videos featured by ABC 6 shows two black teen girls throwing each other around a hallway, pulling hair and swinging as school resource officers pulled them apart.

“There have been five student fights. In one case, a young man was out of control and punched our School Resource Officer,” Abington superintendent Amy Sichel posted to the district’s website.

“I just hear a log of word, guys just want to fight and women, guys, girls wanna fight,” sophomore Justin Ciesielski said.

“The police department’s coming and they’re like keeping everyone calm,” Myers said. “The principals are telling us not to spread the rumors or anything.”

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Meanwhile, the hashtag #AbingtonFightWeek is blowing up on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

“All time record for Abington, 7 fights in 3 days, Will we set the record with more? #abingtonfightweek” Tah posted to Twitter with a contemplating emocon.

Other students claimed a dozen fights have broken out since last Friday.

“Tensions are high here at Abington, tune in next time to see who else gets suspended here on ABINGTON FIGHT WEEK. #abingtonfightweek,” princess tweeted.

Many of the videos of the fights were posted to a #AbingtonFightWeek Instagram page that’s since been taken down, the Philly Voice reports.

“Before it was taken down on Thursday, the Abington Fight Club page on Instagram featured three videos of altercations apparently filmed at the school,” according to the news site.

“One of the videos showed a student punching another student to the floor, before kicking him and then grabbing, lifting him up and throwing him backward to the floor again. At that point, a school resource officer can be seen rushing to the scene and tackling the fighting student to the ground. The video ends at that point.”

Other videos highlighted by NBC 10 show two boys fighting in a bathroom, another brawl between two boys in a stairwell, and a third of two girls.

Sichel said school officials are working with Abington Police to investigate the fights, though no additional officers have been brought into the school. Police increased patrols outside.

She said students caught fighting will face discipline up to expulsion or criminal charges, if necessary. No weapons were involved in any of the fights, and no students or staff have been seriously injured, Sichel said, according to PennLive.com.

“It’s very disturbing, because you think kids are going to school to learn and … I’ve never heard of this happening at Abington High School,” grandfather Sylvester Gomes told NBC 10.

“I mean it happens everywhere, you know, it’s just a bad thing that it’s happening here now,” parent John Heard told ABC 6. “I just hope that it can be resolved, and nobody gets hurt out of this situation, that’s all.”