WASHINGTON, D.C. – A veteran educator says parents can thank Hillary Clinton for the Common Core national standards that have been thrust upon schools across the country.

Even though most people probably believe that Common Core was developed during President Barack Obama’s term in office, the foundation of the initiative goes all the way back to the 1980s, reports veteran educator and now-commentator Donna Garner.

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Back then, she tells EAGnews Hillary Clinton worked with other left-leaning education reformers such as Marc Tucker of the National Committee on Education and the Economy (NCEE), Ira Magaziner and then-Gov. Mario Cuomo, known for his fiery, liberal speeches.

The ‘Whatiscommoncore’ website reports that Tucker “has … openly worked for decades to strengthen the role of the state education agencies in education governance at the expense of local control” and claims that “the United States will have to largely abandon the beloved emblem of American education: local control.”

In 1992, Tucker wrote a letter to Clinton outlining his vision of a “communist-styled pipeline of education and workforce.”

Magaziner has a long association with the Clintons. In addition to working with Hillary on radical education reform, he worked with her on the failed Task Force to Reform Health Care during the Clinton Administration, served as senior policy advisor for President Clinton and, as of today, serves in a leadership capacity for two of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation’s international development initiatives.

In the 1980s, Hillary (et al.) laid the groundwork for a School-to-Work plan, better known by the term “cradle-to-grave,” according to Garner. The idea was to create a three-legged stool of education, labor and healthcare whereby the government would direct people’s lives from birth until they die.

Garner, who began teaching in the early ‘60s in Texas, says all were to be joined together under one banner with government healthcare, school healthcare clinics providing abortions and contraceptives, classrooms emphasizing workforce development skills instead of academic knowledge and the Department of Labor directing students into a career pathway at a very early age.

Garner, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan and re-appointed by President George H. W. Bush to serve on the National Commission on Migrant Education, says the idea was “that students and everybody else would be tracked into the vocation that the government at the time thought was important. And it didn’t have anything to do with students’ natural desires or what their parents wanted them to do or what the students’ talents were. It all had to do with providing ‘worker bees’ for the government.”

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And as insidious as the plan sounds, it has come to be under the Common Core national standards initiative, she says.

She further states the goal was to have about 10% of the population be well educated and then the other 90% would be trained to function within factories and companies.

Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project tells EAGnews, “When it was called School-to-Work 20 years ago, it was a fad for awhile and then it fell apart. And now it’s a fad again. But this time they are really focusing on cementing this through Common Core through federal money because the people who are influential in the progressive ed world are people….people like Marc Tucker…who has been an advocate of all of this forever. He thinks the schools should just be part of one, vast human development resource system and he’s been arguing that for decades.”

Known now as Student Learning Plans (SLPs), sixth graders in a growing number of states, along with their parents and a school counselor, develop career paths for the coming six years until the students are graduated. Robbins says this is all connected to the Common Core national standards initiative, which has never been an education model but a workforce development model. It’s not meant to produce many educated citizens.

Prior to “cradle-to-grave,” schools focused on academic-based content called Type #1. That involved memorization and drills comprised of basic education fundamentals.

Garner says once that was accomplished, students were enabled to do higher level reasoning. A 1991 report, The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, however, helped to change the direction of the nation’s schools from knowledge-based academic content (Type #1) into a education philosophy where the emphasis is on emotions, opinions and beliefs with an emphasis on workplace competencies (Type #2).

According to Garner, the standards movement popped up all over the country.  States appointed writing teams to rewrite all K-12 courses, and the new standards required students “to be able to know and be able to do.”

She says, “We are living the plan that Hillary and her folks, her team, instigated back in the early ‘80s.”

The plan was delayed when George W. Bush was elected to office. But with Obama, another zealous Type #2 advocate, Garner says it’s the perfect storm, “that leads into relativism, into political correctness, multiculturalism, environmental extremism and then into the social justice agenda under Obama, which glorifies the LGBT community.”

Garner believes we have Hillary Clinton (et al.) to thank for the mess our country’s schools are in today.  It is because of her Type #2 philosophy of education as birthed by the NCEE we now have the Common Core Standards Initiative pouring into our nation’s schools, capturing the College Board and its products (AP, SAT, PSAT), and making billions of dollars in profits for Bill Gates, Pearson, Jeb Bush, and others.  Even the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is being rewritten to align with Common Core, she reports.

Parents need to lay the blame for Common Core right at Hillary’s feet, she says.  The seeds for Common Core began to sprout under Bill Clinton’s administration thanks to Hillary and her associates. Then under Obama, these Common Core seedlings have grown into a complete takeover of our nation’s school system by the federal government.

According to Garner, “We have Hillary to blame for a nation of adult non-readers who get most of their news from their social media gadgets; and it is for that reason that I have used my institutional memory to try to educate those people who have no knowledge of Hillary Clinton. If she is to be a serious candidate for the Presidency, we must warn the public.”