NEW YORK – For being so vociferous in their accusations that conservatives are waging a “war on women,” some leftists should probably be pointing fingers at themselves.

A recent example of what might be called the Democrats’ “war on women” involves left-wing organizations in New York City and former CNN anchor now education advocate Campbell Brown.

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Brown founded her organization Partnership for Educational Justice largely to challenge union rules such as tenure which protect under-performing teachers and harm their under-served students.

Apparently her desire to ensure that every child has access to good, competent teachers and a good education is not sitting well with left-wing teacher unions. They are even going so far as to accuse her of simply being influenced by her husband and not really making decisions herself.

The Indy Star reports:

…She has been on the receiving end of a sexist assault by the American Federation of Teachers and opponents of education reform. AFT President Randi Weingarten took to Twitter to accuse Brown of not being balanced in her approach to school reform because “she’s married to Romney adviser Dan Senor.”

To Weingarten, women are not people with thoughts of their own. No, they’re empty vessels who do their husband’s bidding.

How does that work? If a woman agrees with the liberal practices of Randi Weingarten, then clearly she falls victim to the Republican “war on women.” However, if someone like Campbell Brown comes along and fights for education justice, something Weingarten is apparently not supportive of, then she is just the mouthpiece for her husband, incapable of forming her own thoughts and opinions? Something seems a little off there.

In response to Brown’s fight for educational justice, “the teachers union-affiliated Alliance for Quality Education and New York Communities For Change have launched the website ‘The Real Campbell Brown: Right-Wing. Elitist. Wrong,’” according to

This would not be the first time Brown has been attacked by the teacher unions. In July, EAGnews reported on a New York State United Teachers’ public rant in response to a tenure lawsuit Brown wanted to bring to New York.

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EAGnews has also reported on Brown’s campaign to stop teacher sexual abuse in the classroom. I would guess that the unions probably have a problem with that too considering the number of teachers who are protected by their unions after sexually abusing students.

It looks like Campbell Brown is advocating for some needed reform in America’s public schools. To assume that she is advocating for a better education for our children solely because she is her husband’s puppet and incapable of making her own decisions sounds pretty sexist to me.

Maybe leftist are the leading the charge in the “war on women” after all.